Deuxième communication orale gagnante aux jsaa 2018: mlle yosra abid

La communication orale de la doctorante Yosra ABID a été sélectionnée comme une des deux meilleures présentations classées deuxièmes durant les journées scientifiques de l'agroalimentaire "JSAA" 2018 organisées par l'Association Méditerranéenne des Industries Agroalimentaires "AMIAA".


Microencapsulation of nisin by complexation with exopolysaccharides produced by probiotic bacteria

Yousra ABID"1", Adem GHARSALLAOUI"2", Hamadi ATTIA"1",Samia AZABOU"1"

1- Université de Sfax, ENIS, Laboratoire Analyses, Valorisation et Sécurité des Aliments, Sfax, Tunisia.

2-Univ Lyon, Université Lyon 1-ISARA Lyon, BioDyMIA (Bioingénierie et Dynamique Microbienne aux Interfaces Alimentaires), EA n◦3733, IUT Lyon 1, Technopole Alimentec-Rue Henri de Boissieu, F-01000 Bourg-en-Bresse, France.

Nisin is the only bacteriocin approved as a food preservative without being involved in health problems.However, nisin effectiveness is generally lower in food systems either due to the surrounding physicochemical conditions or to its interaction with food components.The present study aims to evaluate the potential of complexation to encapsulate nisin using spray-drying technique and to evaluate if complexation with exopolysaccharides (EPS) produced by newly isolated probiotic bacteria may preserve the structure and the antimicrobial activity of nisin. Results showed that the complexation of nisin with EPS occurred through electrostatic interactions. Besides, the microstructure of the formed particles obtained through spray-drying process, consisted in well-separated spherical microcapsules. Moreover, results interestingly showed that the microencapsulation of nisin within EPS preserved nisin structure against spray-drying conditions and enhanced its antimicrobial activity.



Formateur-Consultant-Auditeur | spécialisé en qualité et sécurité des aliments